Usually people are afraid for doing criticism in other people work because they don't want to give an bad impression to other people. And that's compressible, usually some artists, animators, musicians and programmers get really mad when someone review their work, even if you say something like "You should practice a little more the fundamentals" or "Sounds great! But you need to practice scales because you are a little out of tune.".
I consider myself someone who is really really open to any kind of critics because it helps a lot, even more than you can imagine. So if you see anything that I made and for example you don't like the beat of the song or the anathomy of a drawing, perspective chords or whatever don't be afraid to tell me "Hey, you should take a look to ------ " or "I think ----- can improve" and I'll be more than happy to read and answer them.
That's all i wanted to say. Thank you!
Not a lot of people are truly open to critique, but I find even fewer are willing to give it. It takes time, effort, thought that people just don't have it in them to give. Then there's always that someone could be offended. Myself, I fall in both camps. I'm willing to receive, but it's so hard to get myself to get off the easy chair and give!